Sustainable living or lifestyle has become the buzzword, but how do you follow green home practices? Where do you start? Eco-friendly habits go beyond separating your trash or switching off lights when leaving a room. Since climate change is real and heat waves, wildfires, and floods are increasing, you can do your bit by choosing sustainable living practices. With countries and companies embracing “climate neutrality,” we can help you find a few ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Here are a few tips and examples of how you can implement eco-friendly practices in day-to-day life. Let’s take a look below! 

What is Sustainable Living? 

A sustainable lifestyle is a way to minimise our impact on the earth’s resources. We can do so by fulfilling our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. As per the studies, 72% of food waste could be composted, reducing pressure on landfills. If we can make small changes in our daily lives, we can see a big difference. By following energy-saving tips, you can also lower your utility bills. After all, increased greenhouse gas emissions can directly impact global warming. Since all of us can contribute to combating the perils of climate change by choosing a sustainable lifestyle, why not do so?

Best Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprint 

A sustainable lifestyle is vital to our planet’s health, and so is it for our health. If you want to know how to reduce your carbon footprint, you should question your consumption before everything. Would you rather take a longer shower or a bucket bath? Would you like to install low-flow showerheads to save water? Do you use toothbrushes and combs made of bamboo? While finding answers to these questions, you should also remember the following green home practices: 

1. Choose Local Products 

Because of transporting by lorry or shipping, the carbon footprint is poor for many food items. Different types of apples, kiwis, grapes, pears, and many other fruits are imported from other countries to India. In the meantime, packaged goods always have the origin country written over it. Plus, locally-produced food items travel shorter distances, meaning there are only fewer trucks and planes required for transportation. Of course, buying local means strengthening the local economy and keeping resources within your area. 

2. Power of 3 R’s 

Recycle, reuse, reduce – we know you have heard it multiple times. It is the foundation of sustainable living, as these three R’s can help you conserve energy, save natural resources, and reduce your carbon footprint. So, how do you implement it in your daily lives? You can use empty glass bottles instead of plastic bottles. Ditching single-use or plastic cutlery is one way to embrace a sustainable lifestyle. Also, you can try going paperless; take digital notes and use both sides of a paper while printing documents. 

3. Rely on Public Transport 

One of the recent studies shows that people who choose public transport or other alternatives over a private car have seen a 40% drop in their carbon footprint. You can use carpooling once a week, and let it grow on you. Sharing rides and living close enough to your workplace can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Plus, using a bicycle wherever you go is one of the best green home practices. 

4. Keep Your Energy Usage Low 

Using a high amount of energy adds to carbon emissions and becomes a catalyst for climate change. Make it a habit to turn lights off, use non-electric alternative appliances, and turn the plugs off when not needed. You can further switch to a solar panel or sustainable energy provider to keep the impact of energy usage low. 

5. Cook Up the Clever Way

When you are using a cooker and putting its lid off, the pot takes longer to come to a boiling point. You can put on the lid, as it will boil faster. Or when you are baking something in the oven, do not just put your chicken fingers in the oven, you can add wedges and vegetables to the dish. 

Also Read: How To Create An Eco-Friendly Kitchen: 9 Proven Ways To Try

6. Eliminate the Use of Microplastics 

Two types of microplastics pollute the food chain and the oceans; the first ones are pieces of plastics that are smaller than five millimetres when they are in the environment. From cosmetics to detergents, there are several ways they enter wastewater. On the other hand, secondary microplastics are large pieces of plastic, such as plastic bottles. Shower gels, scrubs, shampoos, and even body lotions can contain microplastics. 

Though these products from conventional brands are not banned, you can switch to natural cosmetics. Also, tiny fibres come loose when fleece jackets or sports textiles are washed. Then they enter wastewater, becoming the source of microplastics. It’s recommended to buy clothes made from wool and cotton. 

7. Be Mindful of Water Usage

One of the vital ways to reduce carbon footprint is to pay heed to water conservation. It is critical to our growing population as the demand is rapidly growing. You can follow plenty of sustainable living practices like taking shorter showers, choosing low-water appliances, and fixing leaky toilets. Also, you can find ways to reuse wastewater for gardening or washing clothes. 

8. Get Some Indoor Plants  

For sustainable living, plants act as natural air filters, absorbing pollutants in indoor environments. This can be a great addition to enhancing your health and well-being. Plus, indoor plants can drop dependencies on air purifiers, reducing your overall carbon footprint. Just get plants grown in your region and create an invigorating atmosphere in your home! 

9. Consider Renting or Buying Second-Hand 

The mantra should be buying less! You can buy second-hand to reduce your carbon footprint and the mountain of waste in the form of plastic or textiles. On the other hand, renting allows you temporary access to an item without the investment of buying it new. For electronic devices, furniture pieces, and appliances, renting makes more sense – especially when, you can get an upgrade. 

Also Read: Renting vs Buying Furniture & Appliances: A Reality Check

Choosing sustainable living at home does not require you to drastically follow major changes, but only incorporate small adjustments to your daily routine. From energy-saving tips to mindful consumption, every little step towards a sustainable lifestyle can add up. Every action counts and you can embark on a journey towards a healthier planet. If you want to rent furniture, appliances, or even electronic devices, you can visit RentoMojo and rent now!

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How to live a sustainable lifestyle?
Live consciously by reducing your consumption, reusing what you have, and choosing eco-friendly alternatives whenever possible. Embrace renewable resources and minimize your environmental impact to ensure a healthy planet for generations to come.

2. What are the 7 R’s of sustainable living?
The 7 R’s of sustainable living provide a framework for minimising waste: Refuse unnecessary items, Reduce consumption, Reuse what you can, Repurpose old items into something new, Repair broken things, Rot food scraps through composting, and Recycle what can’t be reused or repurposed.

3. How to reduce waste?
To reduce waste, focus on mindful consumption – avoid impulse purchases and choose reusable items whenever possible. 

4. What are green skills?
Green skills are the knowledge, abilities, and values needed to address environmental challenges and create a more sustainable future.

5. What are green jobs?
Green jobs are jobs that benefit the environment, either by creating or using renewable resources or by reducing pollution and waste.

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Last Update: July 23, 2024