Moving to an unfamiliar city? These home decor ideas and hacks should help you settle right in

Delhi’s second cousin, Bangalore of the North, or simply the best planned urban dwelling in good ol’ Uttar Pradesh. Call it what you like, but Noida’s emergence as the supremely green IT hub has seen many seek shelter within it. Renting a house and making a home, however, are two different things, especially when you’re living from hand to mouth. Whether you’re working on a tight budget or are simply looking to make the most of your temporary space, here are five tips that should make your stay in Noida a tad more gratifying.

Focus On Wall Decor

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Unlike most cities, houses in Noida are rather roomy. More space naturally means larger walls, but if you’re smart about it, covering all that space up should be a doddle. For starters, photo frames are actually extremely underrated forms of wall decor, so here’s a chance to tell your family and friends that you love them. If you don’t have enough pictures because you’re not photogenic or well, adopted, try your hand at art. If you’re a lost cause at that too, seek help from a more talented friend on a free Sunday, and put that painting up instead.

Make The Most Of That Delhi Weekend Trip

If you’ve moved to Noida, you’re bound to make a trip to explore the capital. So when you do, quit being touristy for a couple of hours and head to the many street markets and thrift shops at Chandni Chowk, Panchkuian Road, and MG Road, all of which should have decor options available at a bargain. But the jewel in the crown is Amar Colony, which harbours every kind of furniture imaginable. Tag a local friend with impeccable haggling skills along, though, lest you get fleeced!

Rent Your Furniture

Renting furniture might be an alien concept in India, but it actually has perks aplenty. Not only is it an excellent short-term fix, but it also allows you to decorate your temporary (or permanent) space the way you want. Rentomojo has some incredible deals for Noida, which you can find here.

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DIY Is Never A Bad Idea

Labour is so cheap in India that most of us have our carpenter, electrician, and plumber on speed dial. However, DIY is a great way to get your creative juices flowing by making the most of cheap materials and even scraps and junk. With a bit of skill and a whole lot of effort, you could create something extraordinary that will look absolutely resplendent in your living room.

And Lastly, Remember, There’s Always A Way To Fill Space

Filling empty nooks is never a problem, even if you’re working on a budget. If second-hand furniture doesn’t tickle your fancy, there’s always cheap decor ideas like lights in a bottle, wall decals, plnaters, and large mirrors. Our favourite recommendation, though, is a giant white board. Grab a marker and use calculus to solve the many mysteries of astrophysics, or well, doodle as you daydream and figure out your weekly ration.

Either way, it should be helpful, we presume?

Do you have some hacks you would like to share with us as well? Tell us.

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