Resolutions are so passe (and well, always broken) — so how about we give a bucket list a go in 2017?

First things first: let’s all agree that 2016 was a colossal train wreck. From losing some of our beloved celebrities to losing our patience while we stood in never-ending ATM queues, it’s been a difficult year for all of us.

But hey, the New Year beckons, and if you’re looking to turn a corner in 2017, here’s a bucket list to help you achieve just that!

Achieve Those Health Goals


You know that guy who pays the gym an exorbitant amount on the 1st of every year only to visit it for exactly one week? Yeah, don’t be the guy.

What you could go, however, is take it one step at a time. Set more realistic goals. Exercise for an hour everyday, especially if you work a sedentary job. Count your calories, reduce your portions, and you’d be surprised at the remarkable progress you make.

Meet New People


When’s it ever a bad idea to acquaint yourself with new people? Throw some parties, invite friends of friends, expand your social circle, and you’re bound to end up meeting some amazing folk.

And well, if nothing works out, there’s always Tinder, innit?

Travel Once Every Six Months — At Least


All right, granted, most of us slave away at day jobs that makes this slightly improbably, but it doesn’t need to be elaborate travelling. So, every now and then, grab some mates and head to a town or hill station that’s adjacent to your city for a weekend away from the stress that your general existence.

Save More Money


Much like Prime Minister Modi’s demonetisation plans, rainy days might just turn up overnight. And thus, living hand-to-mouth might not be the wisest idea.

It’s important to have some kind of savings as a fallback, even if the sound of a mutual fund or fixed deposit bores the pants off of you. Not all of us are born with a silver spoon, after all.

Subscribe To Renting

While we’re on the subject of savings, renting furniture, especially if you live in rented apartment, can actually help you save money. And if you find that hard to believe, allow us to explain further here.

Read More!


There are so many books out there, and so much to learn. Even if you’re not a reader, give it a go — it’s a wonderful world out there! Trying reading a book a month (or if you’re ambitious, a book a week) and come January 1st, 2018, you’ll marvel at the intellectual progress you’ve made.

Unless you read Chetan Bhagat, that is. In which case it might just be, well, counterproductive.

Kick The Butt (And Other Detrimental Habits)


Smoking breaks with colleagues are all fun and games till your lungs give up and you resemble Gutka Mukesh from that nausea-inducing advertisement at the movies.

So, without sounding preachy (lol), please try and kick the butt, or at least cut down on the smoking. God knows half our office needs to do that…



No, insomnia is a medical condition. Forcing yourself to stay up all night watching viral cat videos or makeup tutorials you’ll never use doesn’t make you an insomniac, it makes you careless.

Try and get at least eight hours of sleep in a day. Resembling a zombie who’s dependent on caffeine will not be beneficial in the long run.

Pick Up New Hobbies


Contrary to popular belief, driving your dad’s car around blaring tacky Bollywood item numbers while you snapchat yourself breaking the speed limit doesn’t count as a hobby.

Do something productive rather than being a discount Vin Diesel from Fast And The Furious. Learn a new language, perhaps, or try your hand at DIY. Basically, do anything that eventually ends up adding value to your life.

And Lastly, Just Be Happy And Awesome


Happiness isn’t permanent by any means, but being in a perpetual positive frame of mind can help matters immensely.

Don’t be a Debbie Downer, and try and find joys in the little things in life. And if you need any more persuading, allow us to join the vogued millennial chant and say “YOLO”.

Happy new year folks. Have a blast. For more, follow us on


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