Since there’s no Planet B, we have to make small changes to our daily life to take care of tomorrow. And did you know that the step towards an eco-friendly lifestyle can start from your kitchen? Eating greens and reducing meat consumption can be a way to go; however, there’s more you can do! From fridge to food cleanup to composting, many things can turn your little kitchen into a green gourmet. Moreover, you will be surprised to know how many little tweaks you can make for an energy-efficient and sustainable kitchen. Let’s take a look at the best tips to create an eco kitchen and get started right away! 

Top Green Kitchen Tips You Must Follow 

Many people are under the impression that buying environmentally friendly kitchen products is one way to go. However, you also need to know how to be a sustainably-minded home cook! Here are a few tips you must remember to transform your place into an eco kitchen! 

1. Get Rid of Teflon Pans 

Due to their non-stick properties, Teflon pans are widely popular. But what you do not know is that they are also infamously known for releasing toxic chemicals! They are easily damaged, so they are thrown away or replaced very often. Instead of Teflon pans, you can look for alternative eco friendly kitchen products like cast iron or heavy-duty stainless steel. If you love baking, you should use glass, metal, ceramic casserole, or silicon trays. 

Also Read: Sustainable Living: 9 Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

2. Ditch Singe-Use Plastic 

If you can imagine your life without the use of single-use plastic shopping bags, you can take a step towards a green kitchen and sustainable lifestyle. Take a reusable bag while you go for grocery shopping and pack your lunch using beeswax wraps. Moreover, beeswax wrappers play a major role in making sure the food lasts longer. You can also switch to biodegradable bin bags even for trash. When you are throwing parties, you are likely to use plastic use. However, you can use bamboo cutlery and paper plates and then recycle. 

3. Use Energy-Efficient Kitchen Appliances 

Have you ever checked whether your appliances are environmentally friendly? While the top brands add appliance energy ratings, you can go through the specifications before buying. Investing in eco-friendly appliances will keep your bills down for the long haul. On the other hand, you can also rent refrigerators or microwaves because it is more environmentally friendly. Not only do you get verified products but you will also be able to minimise environmental impact. You can also switch to cooking in induction for more energy-efficient outcomes! 

4. Purchase and Cook in Bulk 

If you want to buy in bulk and cook in bulk, you should also keep in mind that you can consume what you buy and make. Purchasing in bulk means there is less packaging involved and; of course, fewer trips to the store. For example, when you buy packages of towels for cleaning cars, you can use them for the kitchen. These towels are cheaper than most kitchen towels! On the other side, bulk cooking is an efficient way of conserving energy! If you know how to plan and can have leftovers, this is a great way to embrace sustainable cooking. 

5. Be Smart with Your Waste

There are multiple ways you can embrace sustainable living and one of the most important ways to know how to dispose of waste. Start reusing as much as you can; do not throw away old glass jars, grocery bags, or bottles. Wine bottles go a long way for you to use on a daily basis! You should also compost undercooked organic waste, even including cardboard and paper. In case there is anything left over, you should check the recycle bin before throwing anything in the trash. 

Also Read: Renting vs Buying Furniture & Appliances: A Reality Check

6. Choose Local Ingredients 

The food you get for your kitchen is as important as the kitchen appliances. You can choose locally-grown fruits and vegetables instead of waiting for imported food items. In India, asparagus, parsley, Brussels sprouts, and zucchini are usually imported from outside. With fruits and vegetables coming from outside, it significantly contributes to increasing carbon footprint with transportation and shipping. Also, buy organic food items because they do not contain preservatives and biocides. 

7. Use Green Kitchen Cleaners 

Let us not call out what goes into petrochemically-based dishwashing liquids and surface cleaners because the ingredients would make you churn your stomach out! You can find non-toxic, plant-based, and biodegradable ingredients. You can also go with a DIY process and make your cleaning products using regular ingredients like baking soda and vinegar. It can become a great all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. 

8. Do not Let the Faucet Run 

When washing dishes by hand, it’s highly recommended to turn off the faucet. Let’s say you have a two-compartment sink. You should fill one side with clean water to rinse and do not let the water run. It’s best for keeping water loss to a minimum. You can also install a low-flow aerator to save more water. 

9. Cook Everything from Scratch 

Instead of buying pre-prepared and frozen foods, you should make meals at home. Cook fresh because reheating food loses its taste and quality. When the food is dehydrated or rehydrated, the food’s lifecycle drastically goes down. If you have the space, you can also grow your fruits and vegetables using the composted kitchen waste. 

Now you know what you have to do to make an eco-friendly kitchen, what’s stopping you? You can reduce the amount of kitchen scraps by using a compost bin. The more you experiment, the better you will find ways to embrace sustainable cooking and lifestyle. Plus, you can rent kitchen appliances instead of buying them to follow sustainable practices. So, rent now with RentoMojo

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to be more eco-friendly in the kitchen?
You can buy local and seasonal produce, compost kitchen scraps, and invest in eco-friendly cookware and appliances for a more eco kitchen.

2. What is an eco-friendly kitchen?
An eco friendly kitchen reduces recycling and follows sustainable practices to keep the food waste produced to a minimum.

3. How to create a green kitchen?
You should do away with materials such as cork and stone. Embrace bamboo and other sustainable alternatives to build a green kitchen.

4. How can I be 100% eco-friendly?
You should turn off your lights when not in use, shop less, buy seasonal vegetables and avoid buying beverages in plastic bottles.

5. What is the most eco-friendly way to cook?
You can steam ahead and try to turn off the heat under a pan of vegetables a couple of minutes early. Plus, choose a sustainable board to chop your vegetables because plastic chopping boards can add micro and nanoplastics to your food. 

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Last Update: September 9, 2024