Moving into a new apartment is a huge deal, usually when you are torn between buying or renting furniture. Every apartment you see does not come fully furnished; you have to spend days finding the perfect pieces of furniture. After all these days spent in house-hunting, getting the right furniture adds extra challenges to your chores. Plus, you are also not sure about how long you will be able in the city! To put an end to your dilemma, you need to know the answer to renting vs buying furniture. Here, we will tell you how you can embrace sustainable living benefits by renting furniture over buying. 

Why Choose Rental Options? 

The first thing that comes to our mind when we think about renting is convenience! Millennials and Gen Zs do not stress about ownership. They would rather go for rental options that seem more feasible. If you need more convincing, you can consider the following factors: 

1. No Hassles of Ownership 

Can you imagine having a different sofa set when you are bored with the existing design? If you rent your furniture, you can go hassle-free without worrying about long-term investments. Even when your furniture or appliance needs repair or maintenance, the rental company can help you with it. For example, if you are looking for a queen ortho memory foam mattress, you can get it for rent at Rs. 559/month. Buying a new one would cost you around Rs. 15,000! So, you will not only get the furniture or appliances you want but you will not have to stress about maintenance.

Read More: Furniture Rentals: How to own everything, without ever buying!

2. Flexibility

Are you in the city for a certain period? Furnishing the guest room or master bedroom seems like a daunting task; thankfully, renting allows you to have peace of mind. You do not go around shops and bargain for the best prices either. You have full flexibility without the burden of permanent ownership, even when they are not in use. 

3. Try before Buy 

Think of it as the trial and error stage! Renting allows you to check a product before you buy it. If you have been thinking of buying a treadmill, you can rent it before buying. It is like checking out the product before fully committing to it! For example, the rental for an auto inclination treadmill starts from Rs. 1409/month. On the other hand, the same model would cost you over Rs. 20,000. 

4. Sustainable Living Benefits

If you want to embrace sustainable home choices, renting can take you a long way. Manufacturing new furniture items or appliances requires the use of new fabric and raw materials. Renting minimises the environmental impact and creates a circular economy. For example, if you are in Pune or Bangalore, you do not want an AC or air cooler throughout the year. Instead of buying it for a few months, you can simply rent it as per your needs. 

Read More: Sustainable Living: 9 Tips To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Why Buy Furniture or Appliances?

To decide between renting vs buying, you should also consider the reasons for buying a new product. It is just like getting into a commitment! Let’s figure out whether you should rent over buy. 

1. Perosnalise the Way You Want

One of the biggest reasons for buying is that you can decorate your room like your Pinterest board! Buying lets you fill your space with furniture items that “scream” you and complement your personality. Choose the type, shade, and whatnot! 

Read More: Renting or Buying: Which Is Better For Newly Weds?

2. Investing for Future 

When you are wondering between renting vs buying, you are investing for the present and future for the latter. If you know you are going to stay in the city, then investing for the long term might be suitable. However, you should also remember that the value of the item goes down if you want to resale. 

3. Sense of Familiarity 

Owing furniture means you develop a sense of comfort and familiarity in your home. You can surround yourself with pieces you have chosen and care for. This sense can lead to a more personalised and inviting living space. 

Read More: Second-Hand Furniture vs. Renting – Let’s Weigh The Pros & Cons Out 

In the end, deciding between renting and buying furniture depends on your preferences and lifestyle. If you know you are in the city for the long haul, investing in household items and appliances perfectly makes sense. However, if you are always on the go and not willing to go for any commitment, you can rent now. Head over to RentoMojo and start your sustainable living with no strings attached!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is renting furniture better?
Renting furniture or appliances does not require high upfront cost yet it gives you better flexibility when it comes to swapping or upgrading items.

2. Is it worth renting appliances?
When you are renting appliances, you are not committing to the product right away. You can spread the entire cost over a few months. Plus, you can try the product during your rental period before making a large investment. You can check our appliances on rent for further details!

3. Why renting a laptop is better than buying one?
If you rent a laptop, you will get access to the latest specifications and features. Let’s say, you rent a laptop of your choice and need to upgrade it as per your requirements. By renting from us, you can get free repair and maintenance along with free upgrades.

4. Is it better to rent a fridge or buy one?
Buying offers long-term ownership and potential value gain. Renting gives flexibility, avoids maintenance hassles, and promotes sustainability. Choose based on your budget, lifestyle, and commitment to your living space.

5. Is it ever a good idea to rent?
Renting can be ideal! It offers flexibility (move easily, try trends), saves upfront costs, and eliminates maintenance worries. Consider it if your needs are temporary or your lifestyle changes frequently.

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Last Update: September 9, 2024