Lockdown 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and now, Unlock 1.0. It seems like COVID-19 has pressed the pause button on the whole world.

While India has been progressing through several phases of the lockdown, the working force now sees a new challenge as we approach the new unlock. It’s been an arduous task to learn and unlearn a lot of routines, especially when it comes to being home and learning how to set boundaries between personal and work life, and most importantly, learning how to lead a normal and healthy life when everything is so different. Even though many things like social distancing, staying home, not being able to dine in, etc, are new to us, there’s one concept that may not be completely new, but has become an integral part of our lives—WFH.

After the pandemic ends, the number of people working remotely has increased significantly, and there is no surety of when the pandemic will end. On the one hand, productivity levels of some employees have increased when working from home, but on the other hand, a lot of people have been finding it hard to focus and get work done. A dedicated WFH space is going to become a necessity moving forward, and here’s why:


1. It’s here to stay

Productivity levels have been on the rise as employees get more personal time for their family and for themselves, which, in turn, makes them feel happier and more productive. Even though it might look like the remote work setup is a temporary situation, many companies have considered this as a permanent solution. Moreover, employees can levy this option more often than before now. In such cases, having a dedicated WFH space will make it easier for us to be more productive and focused. 


2. Work mode: ON

There’s a reason we sleep on a bed, eat on a dining table, and chill on the couch. Having dedicated spaces assigned for different activities helps your brain focus and prepare for specific tasks better. And that’s why you’re likely to feel sleepy or go into a ‘relax mode’ if you use the couch or bed as your workstation. If you want to focus better and keep your mind calm while working from home, it is crucial to have a dedicated workspace that helps you concentrate better. 


3. Work-life balance

One of the problems employees are facing right now is not being able to bring the right balance between work and leisure. When you do not have a dedicated WFH space, the lines between work and home gets blurry. Having a specific place where you work every day of the week will not only get your work mode on but also let your roommates/family members know that you are working. This way, you won’t be disturbed often. 

Along with a specific work area, dedicate specific work hours too with planned breaks. If you are working say from your couch, you may get tempted to turn on the TV. You’ll convince yourself to take a 10-minutes break and watch your favorite show and before you know it, you are pulled into the loop and you’ve watched an entire episode. When you are sitting at a desk, short breaks will comprise of checking your notifications, standing up, stretching for a bit, and getting back to work. This way, you’ll get all your work done on time and you won’t have to pull all-nighters to chase your deadlines. 


4. Comfort is key

Working for an hour or two, sitting in the wrong posture can cause a lot of discomfort in your back, neck, and shoulders. Now, imagine working for 6-7 hours sitting on a couch or a bed and working. That’ll do a lot of damage to your body in the long run. Having a good desk and an ergonomic chair is absolutely crucial. This will make you feel comfortable and also help you maintain the right posture when you are working. Trust us, your body will thank you later. 


Also read: Working From Home | Tips To Stay Productive


Go ahead and create the WFH space that’ll enable you to be your productive self.

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Last Update: September 8, 2023