Raise your hand if your wardrobe is where you hide your mess.

Most of us have had a phase in life when we’ve used our wardrobe to shove all our unfolded clothes and random accessories to make our room look tidy. We all know that a clean and tidy wardrobe is a must! It not only streamlines our morning routine but also makes our daily life so much easier.

If your wardrobe ends up looking like a bull busted through it even after constantly trying to keep it tidy, then follow these 8 amazing wardrobe organising ideas:


1. Declutter, donate and discard

wardrobe organising Ideas

The first step is to try and declutter. Separate your wardrobe into categories like shirts, pants, dresses, tops, undergarments, accessories, etc. Go through every piece of clothing and decide if you’ll really wear it or not. It’s okay to keep an item or two, which you don’t really wear because of emotional attachment. Just ensure that you don’t keep more than 1 or 2. Keep only those pieces that you love and wear frequently. Donate the ones that are in good condition and discard the rest. 


Also read: Home Organizing Ideas, The KonMari Way


2. Categorise it

Store your clothes in the wardrobe by category. We tend to just place clothes wherever there is space. Take 2 minutes every day to keep your clothes in their designated shelf. 

Always organize your clothing in a way that it’s easily visible and accessible. It will make all the difference when you want to find your favourite pair of jeans in the morning.


3. Hang smartly

wardrobe organising Ideas

Start hanging up your clothes. This will save you from the time and effort that goes into folding your clothes. If you don’t have enough space to hang every clothing piece you own, then stick hanging only the ones you wear regularly. It also saves space in the wardrobe. This doesn’t let your clothes crease easily as well. 


Also read: Why You Must Declutter Before Moving Into A New Home


4. Make use of storage boxes

Roll and tuck soft and casual items like cotton t-shirts, pyjamas, leggings, and shorts into straight tiny tubes and arrange them in storage boxes. This will save you time and free up space in your closet for more important things. Small shoe boxes, plastic/cardboard storage boxes or wire baskets can be used.


5. Divide and conquer

wardrobe organising Ideas

One of the best wardrobe organising tips is to use this technique for items like undergarments, belts, handkerchiefs, and socks. This will help you find these tiny pieces of clothing with minimal effort. You will not only have a neat and organised wardrobe, but you’ll also know when you need to do your laundry just by looking at your drawer. 


Also read: 10 Washing Machine Tips & Tricks: Laundry Day Guide


6. Label everything

If your closet has multiple shelves and storage boxes, label each one of them. The bifurcation can be totally customized based on your segregation of items. For example, you can choose to use different boxes only for delicate items like accessories, scarves, belts, ties, etc. Label these boxes according to what’s in it. This way, you don’t have to go on a rampage to find that one belt you’ve been looking for.


7. Hack for the accessories

wardrobe organising Ideas

Whether it is your jewellery, hats, scarves or ties, the back of the wardrobe is an ideal place to hang all your daily essentials that can be grabbed easily on a busy Monday morning. Utilize this free space to hang all the items that usually end up making a mess either on your table or the floor. Make use of hooks, door hangers or attach a rod to use this technique at the back of the closet.


8. Chains and S-hooks to the rescue

When you’re looking for tips on how to organise your wardrobe, this hack is the best way to keep your clothes in a wardrobe, which is narrow and tall. A very inexpensive way of organising your closet is to make use of metal chains to hang multiple hangers vertically. Another thing you can do is to pull the used soda can tabs and slip them around the hook of the hanger, which will allow you to drop the second hanger in the tab creating additional space to hang clothes. It saves the space with very little effort and money!

Make your life organised and a lot easier by following these simple wardrobe organising hacks and don’t forget to follow and maintain a cleaning schedule, either by season or by month. If you are struggling with storage space, rent a wardrobe starting at just ₹189/month.

The next time you have trouble finding your favourite piece of clothing, it is a good sign for you to re-organise your wardrobe!

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Last Update: December 5, 2023