There’s nothing more unpleasant than a fridge that is as messy as your closet and foul-smelling as your piled-up old laundry. Keeping your fridge organized will go a long way in saving time, money and energy when you’re hungry and just want to cook something to satisfy those hunger pangs. If that’s not enough, the added advantage of having organizational hacks in life is always a great benefit. Plus, your mum will be super proud of you! 

If you’re on the lookout for some of the best refrigerator organization hacks that are easy, cheap, and practical, hop right in. Here are the best six tips and tricks to keep your fridge clean, fresh and organized. 

Things you’ll need to begin: 

  • Clear storage containers
  • Clear storage bins
  • Ziplock bags 
  • Mason jars
  • Egg trays
  • Shelf liners
  • Lazy Susan
  • Magnetic-erase board
  • Glass meal prep containers


#1. Align and define

Refrigerator organization hacks

To keep the refrigerator fresh and clean, the first thing to do is to line it with shelf liners.  The shelf liners come in varied colors and make for cleaning spillovers quick and easy. It’s also a good idea to label shelves and storage containers indicating the content as well as the date of expiry if any. Ensure that you do not place quick perishables like milk or dairy products in the fridge door as the temperature is bound to fluctuate on opening/closing the fridge door. Instead, store milk and dairy products preferably in the middle shelf where the cooling is most optimum. 

If you’re worried about kids breaking the routine, reserve a separate basket for the kids with their favorite snacks. Don’t forget to add in some healthy snacking options like freshly cut carrots, cucumber, and deseeded grapes in clear zip-lock bags to ensure freshness.


#2. Make it easier, sort it out

To make sorting easier, group various type of foods and store them in clear storage boxes. This helps to save time when you’re searching for something and doubles up as a cover for any accidental leaking. It’s a good idea to use color-coded storage bins to avoid mix-ups. For instance, use a red bin for meat while green can be used for veggies. When it comes to the freezer, don’t forget to put different types of frozen stuff in different ziplock bags and mark the date of purchase or expiry. In order to avoid contamination and spoilage leading to food wastage, it is pertinent not to keep fruits vegetables and meat in the same crisper.


#3. To store or not to store

Refrigerator organization hacks

If you want to store fresh fruits, salads or anything that’s ready to eat, the best place to put them is in a mason jar. Arrange them in front of the fridge and grab whenever you are hungry for a quick snack. When it comes to storing condiments, store them upside down in an egg carton to keep the fridge clean from spills. If you’re the kind who prepares for all the stuff before you start cooking, then switch to storing items in glass prep containers. It keeps your food fresher for a longer time, keeps the odor of other foods away and is much better and safer than plastic.


#4. Eggs go no chill

Eggs are undoubtedly the trickiest thing to handle in a fridge. Always keep the eggs in a tray which can be locked and stored horizontally or vertically as it consumes less space and protects the eggs from breaking. 


#5. Cruise with Lazy Susan

Ever heard of Lazy Susan? The Lazy Susan works wonders in the fridge. You can simply spin it to bring things in front and not dislocate items in the back. If you haven’t tried it yet, get one right away. 


#6. Don’t go wayward, use a magnetic board

Refrigerator organization hacks

Stick a magnetic dry-erase board on the fridge and note down the expiration dates of the various food items. It’s also important to note down the leftovers lying in the fridge so as not to forget them. Also, note down the shopping list and the veggies available inside the fridge. 


#7. Hacks to keep shopping on track

In order to avoid unnecessary splurging on food items, take a photo or make a note of all the things available in the fridge when you have to go grocery shopping. Whenever you purchase a fresh stock of grocery fruits or vegetables, move it to the back of the fridge and keep the older stuff in front to be consumed first. Lastly, as soon as the items in the fridge expire, remove it from the fridge and do away to avoid accidental consumption. Here’s a bonus tip, keep a container of activated carbon or a small box of baking soda to keep your fridge fresh and sparkling clean.

If you’re worried about the steep prices of owning a refrigerator, here’s something to make your day.


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Last Update: August 23, 2019